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Learning Centre
How to register/ update AD Code on ICEGATE
After your ICEGATE registration is done, this is how you have to update or register your AD Code in ICEGATE.
WB SOD 2023
Here is a video on the background and filing of an application under West Bengal Settlement of Disputes 2023 (SOD).
How to apply for Import Export Code
This video will help you in applying for IEC Code on your own. Please watch the video and feel free to put your queries in the comment box. Thanks for watching.
How to do ICEGATE Registration
In this video I have discussed how to do ICEGATE registration in detail. The video is long but I have tried to cover all aspects.
LLP Vs Company - Explained
A lot of people are confused as to whether to make an LLP or Private Limited Company and there is a common notion in the market that LLP is a better option. I have created this video to discuss the various aspects of LLP and Companies.
Submit MOA and AOA as Link Filing
There is a major change in MGT 14. Now we cant upload pdf of MOA and AOA. Now we have to make changes in the eMOA and eAOA only. If you are filing MGT 14 form and want to see how eMOA and eAOA is filed, then this video will surely help you.
New Company Formation Process
Here is the complete video of preparing new company formation SPICE + forms on MCA new portal.
SFT Notice - How to reply?
Income Tax has received information about significant financial transactions-Must See How to Reply!
Transfer Pricing - Litigation & Penalties
Transfer Pricing Litigation & Penalties | Non Filing of Form 3CEB | Non Filing of TP Doc
' Learning never exhausts the mind..'
Leonardo Da Vinci